Trudy Bosch* Above photo courtesy of

We said 'hello' to blogging three years ago. We lost a few bloggers, gained a few bloggers, wrote a lot, learned a lot, and all-in-all had a great time doing it. Judging from our views, you have too!

Take a look at our top five blogs from the past.

  1. When kids say goodbye – Sheena Gigan
    Sometimes I will have worked with a youth for only three months; sometimes I will have known them for three years when they leave the Ranch. Working this closely with these kids you grow quite attached.

  2. An attitude of gratitude – Justin Walldrop
    Sometimes it is easy to focus on everything that is going wrong in our lives. Some of us may even catastrophize and globalize things exclaiming, “Why do bad things always happen to me?”

  3. Back to school – Trudy Bosch
    I miss a lot about being a kid. Waking up early for Saturday morning cartoons, having the energy to be able to play all day long and having all my meals and snacks prepared for me. But this time of year the thing I miss the most is going back to school.

  4. What do I miss most about living in the Ranch? – Justin Walldrop
    Back in the day, when I lived at the Ranch as a youth, I spent every summer camping all around Canada. We would fundraise all winter in order to go on exciting camping trips. Then when summer came, we would load up the van and trailer and embark upon three to four camping trips per summer.

  5. Reducing gaps – Trudy Bosch
    The Ranch has built most of our programs and services on the need to help children, youth, and families that had fallen through cracks made by gaps in service. One of the programs created out of that philosophy is the Ehrlo Counselling Services which provides preventative and early intervention services to the community as well as counseling, training and consultation services to the community at large.