TFC families TFC families

On Sept. 14th, families in the Ranch’s Treatment Foster Care (TFC) program gathered at senior program manager Lisa Neill’s home for a welcome back social.

The event served as both a way to show appreciation to the TFC families and for everyone in the program to catch up after a busy summer.

“We’ve had a very busy year within our program,” Lisa said.

Highlights of the year include completing a Ministry of Social Services evaluation and receiving accreditation through the Council on Accreditation.

“We are blessed to have such dedicated, professional families as part of our team,” she said.

Each of the families in the TFC program has dedicated themselves to teaching the children in their care how to be part of a family and showing them how families work together, all while making lasting memories.

“Whether it’s a child’s first trip on an airplane, dancing in a powwow while wearing an outfit handmade by their foster parents, or a trip to the mountains – we are providing kids with the opportunity to grow and to have amazing experiences as part of a family.”

The event was a way for Lisa to show the families how proud she and the other TFC staff are of them and of the program in general.

“I am amazed each and every day with the successes our kids and families have experienced,” Lisa said. “Every child deserves the opportunity to grow and develop their full potential.”

“Having such a close knit program allows us the opportunity to be part of each family,” she added. “There isn’t a day that goes by that we aren’t truly amazed with the amount of love and compassion shown.”

For foster parents in the TFC, the social was a welcome gesture.

“It was unexpected, and it was nice,” said foster parent Erin Mclellan.

“It means a lot because (fostering) can be a very thankless job,” she continued. “But I think the Ranch does a very good job of thanking us and making us feel like a valued part of the team.”

The TFC began with two homes in January 2012. Today, there are nine families in the program, including a respite family.

The event wrapped up with a review of the upcoming year, which promises to be busy with new training development opportunities, workshops, and three program socials. Each family received a handmade floral arrangement as a gesture of gratitude for opening their hearts and homes to the children in the TFC.

“We’re very excited about the coming year,” Lisa said.

“Together we are building bright futures and enriching the lives of our kids.”