Ranch Ehrlo honours Canada's war veterans.

“I wake up in my bed and I lay there and think how damn lucky I am to have survived,” he said, his voice breaking with emotion. “I have my family, my friends, and a roof ovDennis Chisholmer my head. I have the world by its tail.”

War veteran Mr. Denis Chisholm met with students at Ranch Ehrlo’s Schaller School on Nov. 7, to share personal memories from serving in the Second World War.

This year marked the 16th consecutive year that Mr. Chisholm has participated in the Remembrance Day ceremonies at Ranch Erhlo Society. He said Ranch staff and students have been some of his greatest audiences throughout the years.

“The kids are great,” he said, holding his hand to his heart. “I just love them. They come up, shake my hand, and it’s heartfelt.”

“I get a little emotional,” he said, fighting off tears,” But they just give me a great feeling.”

As he stood decorated in medals and stars of honour, Mr. Chisholm spoke of his experiences, shared his stories, and answered questions.

Cultural Coordinator Tim Poitras sang a prayer song in honour of the veterans’ service and sacrifice, and the Rock Hill Drum Group performed shortly thereafter.

“Two minutes is small but very important gesture in honouring our veterans,” Vice Principal Ian MacLellan explained to the students.

As the “Last Post” played over the speakers, the gymnasium at Schaller School fell silent.

Students participated in a wreathing laying, and ended the Remembrance Day ceremony extending their hands and hugs to Mr. Chisholm.

“War is horrible, and these kids need to know that,” said Mr. Chisholm. “They need to know that we fought for our country; that we fought for our freedoms.”