andreaRanch Ehrlo Society is built upon the hope and belief that all individuals, families, and communities have the ability to achieve their full potential.

The Ranch provides residential and community services designed to promote the well-being of all. Our community services are intended to make your places of living, working, and playing better places to be.

We love our community services. A little boy can play hockey for the first time; a young teen can express herself through art; a student can learn outside of the classroom; a parent can feel confident about leaving their child at daycare; a single mother can give her kids a roof over their heads; a father at wits-end can find support; and families can heal together and stay together.

Ranch Ehrlo’s community services offer support and opportunity.

So where can you find us in the community?

You can find us in the North Central community of Regina. We’ll be there Monday through Friday at Ehrlo Sport Venture providing free sport equipment rentals, free sport leagues, and after school programs.

Look for us on 11th Avenue atop the trendy Artful Dodger. Come in the side door, climb the stairs and you’ll find Paper Crane Community Arts Centre. This is a place to learn, create, and express yourself.

If you’re cruising along Regina’s Winnipeg Street veer onto 8th Avenue and you’ll find our Avant-Garde beauty school open for business. Avant-Garde College provides esthetics training to students from the community, and also provides great salon services at a reduced cost!

If you’re searching for child care you can find Ehrlo Early Learning Centre at five locations throughout Regina. Our facilities are accredited and located at W.F. Ready, Gladys McDonald, Imperial, Ruth Pawson, and Wilfrid Walker.

Learning and playing is imperative to building healthy communities but it doesn’t end there. Ranch Ehrlo aims to create safe living places for individuals and families in their home communities by providing affordable housing, counselling, and family programming.

You may not realize it but you may be our neighbour. Ranch Ehrlo Society operates Ehrlo Housing, which provides more than 100 affordable units to individuals and families in Regina. Our units are available to low-income families, single parents, individuals with chronic mental illness, and youth transitioning from care.

If you’re looking for someone to talk to we have a number of counsellors who provide services to children, youth, adults, and families. The Ehrlo Counselling team is based out of its Francis Street location, but flexible hours make appointments accessible for those in the community.

All that we do is for you. All Ranch programs and services are in efforts to build stronger, healthier, and more connected communities.

So reach out, ask for help, and seek support.