Ranch Ehrlo Society was crowned one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers in 2012 and 2013. The designation comes with bragging rights, but what does the honour really mean? Why is Ranch Ehrlo Society such a great agency to work for? Why do employees stick with the agency year over year, or decade upon decade?

Is it the work-life balance, opportunities for further education and advancement, are they “comfortable”, or is it the philosophy of the organization? I decided to go straight to the source and ask some of the 23 people themselves. With a combined 559 years of experience, I thought they must be able to shed some light on their decisions and share some of their secrets.

So why have they stuck around so long? Here’s what a few Ranch employees had to say:

  • Karin Duff (20 years): “The philosophy of the Ranch is reason I am here and have stayed here for 20 years. I have seen the impact we have had on the lives of children; the continuum of care at Ranch Ehrlo Society is second to none. I’m truly blessed to be part of an organization that takes a proactive approach to the healthy development of children and youth.

  • Jane Powell (21 years): “I have stayed at the Ranch because I fully believe in the vision and mission that Geoff Pawson started in 1966 for vulnerable youth. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect – always and without exception, and that is what I see happening at the Ranch on a daily basis. I love being a part of something as great as the Ranch and the work that it does each and every day. The Ranch has the finest and brightest staff anywhere! I honestly can’t imagine working with a better group of people anywhere.”

  • Kate Langen (22 years): “Ranch Ehrlo has always been an exciting place to work as there are diverse client groups, creative programs, innovative services, and of course some wonderful people with whom you get to work with and learn from. Ranch Ehrlo's values, beliefs, and philosophy are deep rooted in me and I feel a great sense of pride in the work of our agency.”

  • Randy O’Shaughnessy (23 years): “I have remained here because I believe in the power and potential of our youth to do well and I am proud of the philosophy and our approach to helping these young folks!”

  • Malcolm Neill (24 years): “Because I love it!”

  • Linda Meyer (24 years): “I have been at Ranch Ehrlo for over 24 years because I treasure the commitment that we have to those we provide services for, and because we have an amazing group of professionals who share common vision and values.  I can’t imagine being anyplace else!”

  • Randy Fritz (28 years): “I believe the greatest rewards result from being of service to others and Ranch Ehrlo has enabled me to be of service to others.”

  • Shelley Sayer (29 years): “I have always had a strong commitment to the philosophy, values and the culture of Ranch Ehrlo, and so I am proud to be a part of it.  It’s a great feeling to work where you are valued, and to be able to contribute to an organization that is committed to children, families, and community.”

  • Paula Gutiw (29 years): “I have really enjoyed working with the youth, childcare workers, youth care workers, and house mothers throughout the years and I like the diverse personalities that I have seen from all of these people. It’s been amazing.”

  • Rick Norick (35 years – Ranch Ehrlo’s longest-standing employee): “The reason I have spent my entire career with Ranch Ehrlo is because I believe in the philosophies and values of the Ranch Ehrlo Society. I believe that kids are important and deserve a better life, and Ranch Ehrlo has provided that. There have been lots of favourite moments here.”

Maybe Confucius had it right, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”