Youth Activity FairStaff at the Ranch Ehrlo Society in Prince Albert are gearing up for the second Annual Youth Activity Fair.

Organizers are busy lining up sponsors and local organizations to participate in the fair, working toward another successful year.

The inaugural Youth Activity Fair was held on Sept. 26, 2012, at the Prince Albert Exhibition Association. Dozens of sponsors and volunteers helped attract 35 local organizations to the event, showcasing activities available to youth in the city of Prince Albert. More than 900 students took part in the fair.

“Our ultimate goal is to get kids more active; to get them off the couch and involved in the community,” said co-organizer Shantelle Petersen.

This year’s Annual Youth Activity Fair will host Grade 4 to 7 students from 16 local schools during the day, and will invite parents and other members of the community to attend an evening session.

Last year’s feedback revealed the most enjoyable aspect for visitors was the variety of booths, said Petersen. A gamut of organizations were on site last year, and are schedule to be this year, including sports clubs, writing clubs, arts and drama associations, agriculture clubs, cadets, and more.

“It’s not just sports,” said Petersen. “We want the kids to be involved in everything.”

The Annual Youth Activity Fair will also include Creative Kids and KidSport, non-profit organizations that provide financial assistance to families who may not be in a position to fund extra-curricular activities for their children.

Petersen said the activity fair helps to open the community’s eyes to opportunities within the city.

Select exhibitors will provide live demonstrations during the fair, allowing youth to see what the organizations are all about. From there, visitors can tour the building to learn more.fair

The Annual Youth Activity Fair aligns with the goals of Ranch Ehrlo with the intention to increase youth activity and community participation, said Petersen.

“We try to get them out there, get them active, and prepare them for a healthy life. Healthy kids grow into healthy adults.”

The Youth Activity Fair will be held from 9:30-11:30 a.m., 1-3 p.m. and in the evening from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at the Prince Albert Exhibition Association.

For more information, contact Shantelle Petersen at (306) 764-4511 or email