What's New

Available now!

Available now!

The newest issue of the Ehrlo Sport Venture newsletter is available now! Check out the latest of everything that has happened at Sport Venture over the last couple of months. Sign up today and never miss another exciting issue. Issues are distributed every two months and include photos and news of everything happening at Sport Venture. You can also sign up for the Ranch Ehrlo Society…

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Community donations and Sport Venture

Community donations and Sport Venture

Ehrlo Sport Venture (ESV) benefits from community involvement and we are excited to be the charity of choice for two marathons this year! ESV relies on donations so it can provide barrier-free sports to youth in Regina. Many youth in our city are not able to afford the fees associated with playing sports. ESV provides five different sports free of charge: football, baseball, soccer,…

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Volunteer extraordinaire

Volunteer extraordinaire

Hudson Janz has been volunteering for Ehrlo Sport Venture for over a year. The 16-year-old started because he took a high school class last year that required students to perform 10 hours of volunteering. He initially volunteered to help with football. He was surprised to learn that he absolutely loved volunteering for Sport Venture. He has now volunteered for every sport Sport Venture…

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Football registration is open!

Football registration is open!

Registration for the Monday Night Football League is open now! Don’t miss out on this season’s fun! Follow this link to register today. All games and practices will be held at Mosaic Stadium. You can play on the same field the Saskatchewan Roughriders play on! The season will run from September 4th to October 23rd. See you on the field!

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Dazzling donation

Dazzling donation

When student Grady was given the task to develop a project where he could raise funds for a non-profit program, he truly delivered dazzling results! Gloria and Grady Grady’s school had students work on creating projects focused on donating and giving back to the community. Immediately, Grady planned to support Ehrlo Sport Venture (ESV) because he loves hockey himself and knew that he…

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Special guests attend wind-up!

Special guests attend wind-up!

As the Ehrlo Soccer League wound up this year, they welcomed some very important guests to the final practice to give a special presentation to Ehrlo Sport Venture (ESV)! Saskatchewan’s Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Russ Mirasty, along with his wife, presented a FIFA soccer ball to ESV. The ball was a gift from Consul General Janbaz Khan of Pakistan to Canada. Khan explained that…

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EBRL starts!

EBRL starts!

It’s summertime with the Ehrlo Baseball Rookie League (EBRL)!  The season’s kickoff will be on July 8th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Kiwanis Park. There will be stations set up for youth to practice their skills, and hot dogs and hamburgers will be served! The season runs from July 10th until August 24th, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Registration…

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Baseball training and league updates

Baseball training and league updates

Exciting things continue to happen at Ehrlo Sport Venture including a trip to Toronto for Gloria Patrick, program manager and the expansion of the Ehrlo Baseball Rookie League! The Ehrlo Baseball Rookie League (EBRL) is entering its fifth season this summer and is funded by the Jays Care Foundation.  Along with sponsorship, Jays Care has facilitated training for staff and volunteer coaches…

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Be in the know!

Be in the know!

Want to know more about what’s happening at Ehrlo Sport Venture and the programs it offers in the community? You’re in luck! Sign up now for the Ehrlo Sport Venture newsletter and never miss another thing! Every two months, a new one will land in your email mailbox for you to enjoy. Both newsletters are packed with exciting new information and photos. Be the one in the know.…

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2023 Ehrlo Soccer League registration is open

2023 Ehrlo Soccer League registration is open

Kick off your summer with the Ehrlo Soccer League (ESL)! The league starts June 6th until June 29th, from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the mamaweyatitan field. Registration opens today! Like all Sport Venture’s leagues, the ESL is a barrier-free program for youth (ages six to 16 with a mini-ball session for ages six and seven) who may not have a chance to participate…

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Brandt donation to the OHL will have a major impact

Brandt donation to the OHL will have a major impact

Ehrlo Sport Venture is excited to report that Brandt has given a $50,000 donation to the Ehrlo Outdoor Hockey League! Shaun and Gavin Semple, owners of the Regina Pats and the Brandt Group of Companies, presented the cheque on the ice before the 3rd playoff game in Regina. “We believe that everyone should have the right to play. Thanks to this significant donation from Brandt, even more…

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OHL season wind-up

OHL season wind-up

Our Outdoor Hockey League season concluded with wind-up events at the Cooperators and Brandt Centre recently. We had so much fun getting to know our players and their families. Thanks again to Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and Sport Canada for their support and training. Also, a huge shout out to the Regina Pats Hockey Club for sharing their skill throughout the season and providing unique…

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2023 basketball registration is open

2023 basketball registration is open

It’s warming up outside, which means it’s almost time for a new season of barrier-free sports! Registration for the 2023 Ehrlo Basketball League has opened. The season will officially kick off on April 17th and runs until May 27th on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.   Follow this link to register.

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Pats joined OHL at Frost!

Pats joined OHL at Frost!

Forty of our Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) participants were invited to join the FROST Regina festival to celebrate Hockey Night on Wascana. The OHL players took to the rink on Wascana Lake and were engaged in play when the blast of a horn got their attention! The entire Regina Pats team had arrived on their bus to play with the OHL! Nathan Clearihue, whose son plays on the OHL, said there was…

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Successful cookie campaign for Sport Venture

Successful cookie campaign for Sport Venture

Gloria Patrick, ESV manager, Natalie Huber, Ranch CEO and local Tim Horton owners The Tim Hortons Holiday Smile Cookie campaign was a success! Thank you to everyone who came together as a community to share holiday treats in workplaces, healthcare spaces, classrooms, and everywhere in between. A total of $66,997.87 was raised for Ehrlo Sport Venture (ESV) through the sale of these cookies at…

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