Ranch Ehrlo Society is pleased to announce the completion of a three year strategic plan.

The plan was created through collaboration with employees, senior leadership, and the Ranch Ehrlo Society board of directors.

“We undertook a more robust strategic plan consultation process, looking at the history of the agency as well as the direction we see for the future, which resulted in a new vision for the agency,” explained Andrea Brittin, Ranch Ehrlo CEO and president.

A key component of the process was engaging as many stakeholders as possible. To that end, each of Ranch Ehrlo’s 800+ staff members had the opportunity to participate in the process by providing vital information, feedback, and suggestions.

The resulting plan includes a new mission statement, directly linking the mission back to our highly qualified and passionate staff. The new mission statement reads: “To provide quality prevention, restorative, and advocacy services to vulnerable individuals and families through highly engaged and professional employees.”

 “Our new mission and values are symbols of our renewed commitment to our clients, employees, and communities,” Andrea said. “Over the next three years, we will focus on four themes: quality treatment programs, engaged employees, advocacy and prevention programs, and a sustainable, effective organization.”

Ranch Ehrlo will continue to strive for excellence in the delivery of clinical, residential, family, community, and educational programs and services, and will work to form and sustain effective partnerships to make the communities in which we work, stronger.

The full plan, which remains in effect until 2019, is available here.