A parent of two youth at Gladys McDonald Ehrlo Early Learning Centre recently sent the program supervisor an email. This is what it had to say:
Hello Audra,
This email is to thank you and all of the staff at the centre. My kids, ages three and seven, will have attended the centre for a year now in July and we absolutely love it!
The other day I walked by my three-year-old’s room and was totally surprised to hear her counting in French! She can describe how to prepare lasagna in detail and has explained to me that we have cartilage in our noses. She also loves to eat celery which is something that she first began eating at the centre. Every day she comes home and shares the new songs, stories, and games that she learned at the centre.
My seven-year-old enjoys spending her time at the centre learning about animals and nature, making crafts, and spending time in the gymnasium or on the outdoor play structure. I love that the centre staff allow the children to provide input into selecting activities and themes that are of interest to them.
Although we love everything about the centre, I feel that the centre’s competencies are the kind and caring staff, outstanding educational programming, and healthy meals and snacks. I go to work every day knowing that my kids are receiving the very best of care! Thank you so very much!
Nicole Rea