What's New

Jillings House renovation

Jillings House renovation

A home in Regina has been adapted and renovated to best meet the need of participants in our Supported Living Program (SLP). Participants in the program are often long-term Ranch Ehrlo residents – some have been here for decades. So, when we’re looking at how to help them best achieve success, moving them to a space that best suits their needs, is a great move forward. “In…

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Experiencing success at Echo Lake

Experiencing success at Echo Lake

This past week the snow was deep, but the smiles were big at Ranch Ehrlo Society’s southern 1st Annual Fishing Derby at Echo Lake, part of programs south Winterfest. Every year Ranch Ehrlo breaks the winter blues by hosting Winterfest. The last two years were modified to adhere to the pandemic restrictions. Activities are all outdoors and allow everyone with every skill level to…

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Ranch Ehrlo assists in a national effort

Ranch Ehrlo assists in a national effort

Ranch Ehrlo clinical team members are providing their expertise to an international effort to create effective standardized trauma-informed care for children and youth. The Canadian Consortium on Child and Youth Trauma has members from across Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The consortium’s mission is to create a standardized approach to child and youth trauma care…

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Ranch Ehrlo’s Corman Park will fulfill an urgent need

Ranch Ehrlo’s Corman Park will fulfill an urgent need

Ranch Ehrlo Society will soon be able to offer emergency receiving services closer to home for youth from central and northern Saskatchewan. Corman Parl leadership charrette The board of directors has approved the construction of an Emergency Receiving Program home on the Corman Park campus outside of Saskatoon. The facility should be operational by June 2023. “There is an…

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11 years and still going strong

11 years and still going strong

For the 11th consecutive year, we’ve been recognized as one of Saskatchewan’s top employers. This special designation recognizes the Saskatchewan employers that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work. Continuing to be faced with challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff persevered to help the most vulnerable children, youth, families, and individuals in…

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Sharing CARE during winter months

Sharing CARE during winter months

Sharing inspirational stories of CARE helped a group of foster parents recently get through the dark days of winter. Ranch Ehrlo’s Treatment Foster Care (TFC) service is an elite foster care program in partnership with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services to assist children who are in need of care in a family setting. Foster parents use the CARE model of treatment, which is based…

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Reunited a family of 10

Reunited a family of 10

Ranch Ehrlo Society is helping to bring together a family of 10 in its Family Treatment Program (FTP). The family is headed by Alanna and Trenton who have spent the past several months working on themselves and their family to reunite with their eight children, ranging in age from 11 to three. FTP priority is preserving families by providing a myriad of treatments that are created for each…

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Winter fun and bonding

Winter fun and bonding

Out of the box thinking helped the participants and staff at Jewison House not only learn winter survival skills but also enabled a youth to spend time with his family. The Ranch provides meaningful programming to all its participants while ensuring activities adhere to the CARE model. We are guided by this model and the six principles, which are aimed at improving services for children and…

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Revisiting budgeting for 10

Revisiting budgeting for 10

We went into our blog archive and found a post from 2014 from housemother Krista Hill. Krista talked about the challenge of budgeting, feeding, and keeping house for 10 teenage boys and staff(and you thought your grocery bill was high). Many things have changed since then but one thing remains constant. Teenage boys eat a lot! Let’s take a look. Original article: Imagine the time,…

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Connecting after the Ranch

Connecting after the Ranch

Ranch teacher Randee Patton goes the extra mile to ensure that students leaving the Ranch continue to succeed. Randee, who has been at the Ranch for 12 years, recently shared a relationship-based and competency-centred CARE moment that took place with former student *Lacey. Teams video chat Lacey departed the Ranch after a year in care.  She was starting at a new school and Randee…

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CARE in transition

CARE in transition

Educators at Ranch Ehrlo’s Transition Centre believe in celebrating a very important milestone in a students’ life and they use the relationship they have built with the participant through CARE to do it. As students are either discharged out of Ranch Ehrlo or transition from the centre to a mainstream school, educators Chad Fisher and Gary Bresch take a moment to celebrate with…

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Ehrlo Counselling continues the journey toward truth and reconciliation

Ehrlo Counselling continues the journey toward truth and reconciliation

Ehrlo Counselling continues the journey toward truth and reconciliation On Thursday the team at Ehrlo Counselling Services took the next step in their journey towards truth and reconciliation. Elders and helpers After inviting Saulteaux Elder Alvin Kequatooway from Sakamay First Nation and Cree Elder Sam Isaac from Ochapowace First Nation and helpers George Kequatooway and Aaron Kaye, the…

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Mentoring at the Ranch

Mentoring at the Ranch

What started with a few exchanged letters has turned into a positive experience that not only benefited the youth, but also the staff at Ranch Ehrlo. Laura Logan, a group living unit manager was given supervision over two, six-bed homes in Regina last January. One home, Hilsden, is for young boys 6 to 12 and the other home, Woodward, is for young adults, some as old as 18, getting ready to…

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Remembering the neighbour every group home deserves

Remembering the neighbour every group home deserves

Submitted by Sean Bader, unit manager I’ve worked with Ranch Ehrlo in Prince Albert for 11 years. I’ve worked for most of the programs at some point or another, but I have spent the bulk of my time at Matheson House. I’ve seen managers and staff come and go. This work is hard, not for everyone, but it attracts some truly compassionate individuals. People that care because of…

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2021 in review

2021 in review

Happy new year! As is tradition, we’ve looked back over the past 12 months.  Here are many stories we’ve shared that highlight our agency’s commitment to the six CARE principles, which are relationship based, developmentally focused, family involvement, competence centred, trauma informed and ecologically oriented.   Take a look!  New Garven…

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