What's New

Recycle the game

Recycle the game

When is the last time you looked in your garage or the corner of your basement? Maybe you have an attic full of baseball bats, hockey helmets, or other random sports gear. Maybe you feel like some day you might take up skiing after a six-year hiatus or fit back into your old hockey shoulder pads so you keep hanging on to your old equipment. What if, instead of just collecting dust, you could…

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Destination...COA accreditation

Destination...COA accreditation

Guest blog by Quality Improvement consultant Jennifer Murray We strongly believe that adhering to best practices, as well as continual evaluation, helps us strengthen our services for the young people and families we serve. For that reason (and many more) we are accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). If you’ve been following this page for long, you’ve likely heard of COA.…

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Family program has a rich history

Family program has a rich history

Ranch Ehrlo’s Family Treatment Program (FTP) is one of the most unique programs we offer. Serving 24 families, with a staffing contingent of 40, it’s one of our largest, as well. But it wasn’t always this way. David Rivers David’s research brought him to Regina, where he asked to meet with Ranch Ehrlo founder, the late Geoff Pawson, to discuss the idea of Ranch Ehrlo developing a…

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Deloitte and Sport Venture team up

Deloitte and Sport Venture team up

On October 12th, representatives from Deloitte will be coming to Ehrlo Sport Venture for their 12th annual Day of Impact. “We are so excited and grateful to be working with Deloitte for their Day of Impact. Sport Venture is powered by volunteers and working with Deloitte will give us an opportunity to tackle a few bigger projects that will have a great impact on Sport Venture and the…

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Ranch Ehrlo at night

Ranch Ehrlo at night

Guest blog by Patrick Parker, night float manager I am night float manager at Ranch Ehrlo. Our team is eight employees who work from 11:30 pm. to 9 a.m. on school days, 10 a.m. on non-school days. Working at night has its own challenges and rewards. We backup direct care workers. Each evening there are two night float workers on the Pilot Butte campus, and two providing support in the city.…

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Yarn, thread, and a big heart

Yarn, thread, and a big heart

Sometimes, the ties that bind are made of thread. A relationship that began years ago in Ranch Ehrlo’s emergency receiving program has continued on in the Family Programs. Margaret Smith, of St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba, began sewing clothing for the youth of Rorison House in 2014. Margaret recently expanded her efforts and started creating items for the mothers in our Family Treatment…

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CARE in action: back to school

CARE in action: back to school

Every staff member at Ranch Ehrlo strives to connect and build relationships with our youth, but no relationship is quite as unique as that with the house parent. Our house parents are often the first adult that youth see upon waking up in the morning, greeted with a smile and breakfast to start their day off right. In the afternoon, returning from school, the house parent is there to inquire…

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New Outcomes Report

New Outcomes Report

At Ranch Ehrlo Society, we believe in transparency and accountability. It is important to us that we are able to demonstrate to you  - our referring agencies, parents, and the communities we work with that we are helping children, youth, families, and communities achieve their full potential. One way we do this is through our yearly Outcomes Report, which is a summary of resident and client…

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CARE in action: Helping Hilsden youth transition

CARE in action: Helping Hilsden youth transition

Guest blogger Hilsden House caseworker Josee Westerman Hilsden House is the home of the agency’s youngest clients, boys aged eight to 12. With that age group comes some unique requirements. For younger children, moves can be especially difficult and anxiety provoking. Knowing that, Hilsden has always done a great job of celebrating when our clients transition – whether it be going home…

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2018 AGM highlights

2018 AGM highlights

Staff, stakeholders, and special guests, including Regina Mayor Michael Fougere, gathered together on Sept. 18th, to review and celebrate a year of excellence at Ranch Ehrlo Society. Andrea Brittin Highlights of her message included the operational review of the community vocational program to better suit the needs of the clients and the continued CARE (Children And Residential Experiences:…

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Running with CARE

Running with CARE

When Todd* was admitted to Ranch Ehrlo, clinical caseworker Tandi van Tol set about discovering his strengths. One of them, she learned, was running. “I intentionally connected with him, and, being a runner myself, we went for a 5 km run together,” she explained. “One of my goals as a caseworker is to intentionally build a safe and nurturing relationship with our youth,” Tandi…

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New space: video blog

New space: video blog

This blog will give you an insider’s view of the new addition recently added to the Hudson Building on the Pilot Butte campus. Grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy this short video.

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CARE in action

CARE in action

At Ranch Ehrlo Society, we are constantly striving to improve our services. One of the ways we have done so recently is by adding CARE, Children And Residential Experience, developed by Cornell University, to our existing framework. One of the goals of CARE is to develop congruency across our vast agency, so that everyone from direct care workers, to accountants, to senior leadership, is…

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Powwow is a hit, three years in a row

Powwow is a hit, three years in a row

Ranch Ehrlo Society’s third annual powwow was the most successful yet! Dancers from all over came to our Pilot Butte campus to take part in the one-day competitive event, with age groups ranging from tiny tot to Golden Age. Talent and dedication were on clear display as several drum groups performed and dancers entered the arena to vie for cash prizes. MC Howie Thompson returned for the third…

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Then and now: how residential care has changed over the years

Then and now: how residential care has changed over the years

“The good old days.” It’s a common turn-of-phrase, and sometimes it holds true. Fifty, a hundred, or even two hundred years ago – the pace of life was slower. There was less or no technology and more face-to-face interactions. But there was also less knowledge, particularly in the area of child welfare. Residential care like what is currently provided by Ranch Ehrlo was in a very…

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