What's New

Down to earth with the CEO

Down to earth with the CEO

I recently sat down with Ranch CEO/president Andrea Brittin to learn a little more about her on a personal level. We talked about everything from animals to seasons! What is your favourite colour? It depends – my favourite colours to wear are classic colors like black, white, grey, navy with the odd splash of colour thrown in. My favourite colour for house or office walls is any shade of…

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EELC experiences

EELC experiences

Blog from the Ehrlo Early Learning Centres. EELC provides high quality childcare to families in the city of Regina. Ehrlo Early Learning Centre takes the time to talk to clients, both parents and children, about their experiences at EELC. Kristel Van Den Akker’s daughter, Maci, attends EELC and when her son is old enough, he will join his big sister! Why did you choose EELC over other…

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Culture has important place in foster care

Culture has important place in foster care

Foster parents Heather and Quincy strive to connect all children in their care with a sense of their culture. Heather and Quincy Two girls are living with Heather and Quincy’s family through the Ranch’s Treatment Foster Care (TFC). The TFC program professionalizes foster care. Parents provide a loving and supportive family environment for youth in their care as well as ensure that the…

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Recruiting and training foster parents

Recruiting and training foster parents

Guest blogger Lisa Neill, senior program manager of the Treatment Foster Care Program discusses recruiting and training with foster parents in the Treatment Foster Care Program. From time to time, children enter Ranch Ehrlo whose needs are not best served in a group home. We established the Treatment Foster Care Program (TFC) to address this issue. The program is a unique partnership between…

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Importance of community involvement

Importance of community involvement

Guest blogger Lisa Neill, senior program manager of the Treatment Foster Care Program discusses community involvement with a foster parent. Ranch Ehrlo’s Treatment Foster Care Program (TFC) professionalizes foster care. We seek out qualified foster parents to provide a loving and supportive family environment and provide competitive professional remuneration. Our foster parents assume…

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ECS helping northern Saskatchewan

ECS helping northern Saskatchewan

In the wake of the mental health crisis experienced by northern Saskatchewan, the First Nations and Inuit Heath Branch (FNIHB) of Health Canada has reached out for help. Ehrlo Counselling Services (ECS) answered the call. The first two to attend were social worker Amanda Kuckartz and psychologist Sherry Rapley. ECS is a part of Ranch Ehrlo Society and provides preventative and early…

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We are the ones that are generally telling you stuff about Ranch Ehrlo but we want to turn the tables and hear from you! I have created a few polls below. Please take a few seconds to answer: 1.What brings you to the Ranch Ehrlo page? What topics would you like to know more about in future posts?

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Sweat lodge built on Pilot Butte campus

Sweat lodge built on Pilot Butte campus

At Ranch Ehrlo, we want to do whatever we can to help our clients overcome the obstacles that have placed them in our care. We’ve recently created another place to help with that. A sweat lodge is a place of healing for many First Nations individuals. “A sweat lodge is a place for us to go and cleanse ourselves, cleanse our spirits to get rid of the negativity that we build inside,”…

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First house dad settles into role

First house dad settles into role

All you need to succeed in the esteemed position of house parent at Ranch Ehrlo is a love for kids – and cooking. The agency’s first house dad, Andrew Brown, transitioned from a youth care worker (YCW) to Alex Guy’s house parent last month on the Buckland campus outside of Prince Albert. “It’s still a little bit weird not being with the kids,” he said. “(As a YCW), you’re…

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Extra, extra read all about it

Extra, extra read all about it

If you are like me you get your news, especially when you are in a rush, by scanning the headlines. Interesting headline - maybe I’ll read the story. Boring headline – moving on. After spending some time in our archives I found a few headlines from the past 50 years of Ranch Ehrlo in the media that you might find interesting.

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Seeking professional foster parents

Seeking professional foster parents

Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Treatment Foster Care program (TFC) is excited to announce the development of new services for foster children and parents. We are currently seeking five qualified foster parents to join our impassioned team of professionalized foster families. Treatment foster family “There is a need for good quality homes to provide services for youth who can function within a…

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Skate drive needs your help

Skate drive needs your help

To help meet the needs of Ehrlo Sport Venture’s ever-growing Dress a Champion program, which provides the Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) participants with full hockey gear, they are hosting a skate drive. “Skates are important because they’re the foundation of hockey. Without enough, we risk having to turn youth away from the Outdoor Hockey League,” explained Amanda McConnell, Sport…

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Hands of protection

Hands of protection

Blog from Paper Crane Community Arts Centre. Paper Crane is a community arts program operated by Ranch Ehrlo. Clients at Paper Crane recently made hand of protection projects. In the “Hands of Protection” project, artists explore the Hamsa or Hand of Fatima found in cultures across the globe, often used as a protection symbol.  We use ornamentation and geometric designs to explore…

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New education program in Corman Park

New education program in Corman Park

A partnership that began nearly seven years ago has developed into a new education program for the Ellen Gunn Education Centre at Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Corman Park campus. The day program is for autistic students. Ranch Ehrlo’s relationship with the Saskatoon Public School Division (SPSD) began with the school division allowing the agency to rent a room in one of their schools. Eventually,…

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Ranch Ehrlo celebrates 50 years

Ranch Ehrlo celebrates 50 years

On Sept. 29th the Queensbury Convention Centre in Regina was bustling with hundreds of people, all with a common goal – to celebrate the past and welcome the future of Ranch Ehrlo Society. Dr. Gordon Barnhart The evening began when Ranch Ehrlo powwow club, one of the longest running and most successful clubs in the agency, drummed in dignitaries and special guests. The event was hosted…

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