What's New

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunities

If you’re looking for an opportunity to expand the volunteer section of your resume or you want to help children, youth, and families, you need look no further than Ranch Ehrlo Society. “Ranch Ehrlo offers a lot of unique volunteer opportunities, from our community services to our residential programs,” said Kim Buchan, manager of volunteer services and resource development. “We…

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Guest blog by Karin Duff Ehrlo Early Learning Centre director Ehrlo Early Learning Centre provides high quality childcare to families in the city of Regina. Hear from some of Ehrlo Early Learning Centre’s littlest (and most important) clients – the kids themselves!  Jane and Katie tell us about some of their favourite things to do (and eat!) while they’re at the Centre. Learn why Dana…

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Ranch employees nominated

Ranch employees nominated

Two of Ranch Ehrlo’s employees – speech-language pathologist Terrea Wooodward-Friesen and Ehrlo Counselling psychologist Shelley Tamaki – have been nominated for Women of Distinction Awards. When Terrea talks about the work she does as a speech language pathologist, her passion is clear in her words, her tone, and her facial expression. The love of what she does is written all over…

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More than an average life

More than an average life

Twenty-one year old Emilio Bear is a foreman at a construction company. He lives in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood, with his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s child, whom he is helping to raise. To some, it might sound like just an average life, but for Emilio to get where he is today it was far from an average amount of effort. Emilio spent the early years of his childhood moving from…

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Support for our professional foster parents

Support for our professional foster parents

Guest blogger Lisa Neill, senior program manager of the Treatment Foster Care Program discusses support services with foster parents in the program. Professional foster parents Heather and Quincy have been with the Treatment Foster Care Program (TFC) for over 10 months. In the video below, Heather and Quincy discuss some of the special support services they have access to, like 24-hour on call…

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Working to end violence

Working to end violence

Shawna Oochoo is a night float at Ranch Ehrlo Society, but during the day she gives her time to another cause equally close to her heart. Shawna is the founder of a community group called North Central: End the Violence. “Living down here in North Central, there tends to be a lot of negativity, especially when it comes to gang violence. As a community, this isn’t what we want,” she…

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Breaking down stereotypes

Breaking down stereotypes

I recently had the opportunity to visit our Buckland campus for the first time. I packed my bags and headed up for WinterFest – but I didn’t go alone! I don’t particularly relish driving long distances by myself, so I recruited my husband to come along. But I may have had an ulterior motive, besides wanting a personal chauffer. You see, although I talk a lot to my husband – his name is…

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Support groups fill gaps

Support groups fill gaps

Guest blog by Kate Langen, clinical director at Ranch Ehrlo Society We continue to build on our delivery of services for clients. Our staff regularly look for ways to improve our programming and develop creative approaches to address treatment targets.  When youth can be engaged in a treatment they become willing participants in the change process. Approximately two years ago specialized…

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Ranch staff and clients help build habitat home

Ranch staff and clients help build habitat home

Staff and a few clients of Ranch Ehrlo Society have once again proved what a community-minded organization it is both inside and outside of the workplace. On Feb. 26th, several staff and clients from the education team and a few from other areas of the agency headed out to help work on a Habitat for Humanity house at Haultain Crossing in Regina. Volunteer coordinator Kim Buchan was contacted…

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Fred Sasakamoose drops puck at OHL games

Fred Sasakamoose drops puck at OHL games

Ehrlo Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) got a taste of the big time on Feb. 23rd when Elder and former NHL player Fred Sasakamoose came by to officially drop the puck at the league’s two indoor games, held at the Cooperator’s Centre in Regina. Fred dropping the puck Fred became the NHL’s first Canadian Aboriginal hockey player when he played for the Chicago Blackhawks in 1953-54. He was…

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Goal Setting 101

Goal Setting 101

Special guest blogger Janna Ellis, caseworker at Ranch Ehrlo Goal setting is a big part of the life of Ranch Ehrlo’s youth. Right from the time they arrive at the Ranch, we help them learn to set goals. Some are long term – figuring out what they need to do to get back to their homes or communities. Some are short term and focus on the immediate – learn to integrate into their group home…

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Sport Venture video

Sport Venture video

Although we talk a lot about our Ehrlo Sport Venture programs, and sometimes even post photos on our social media accounts, it’s truly difficult to put into words the impact that one program can have on so many. It’s easy for us to say the words “remove barriers” and “recreational opportunities for all”, but to see these words in action really puts meaning behind them. With that in…

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Building relationships through hockey

Building relationships through hockey

While our Community Sports Program has long helped inner city youth in the city of Prince Albert, a recently developed on-campus Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) program, initiated by Klassen House, is building bridges between Ranch youth and their peers on Wahpeton First Nation. Starting last month, Wahpeton youth aged 10 to 14 were invited to come out to the Ranch’s Buckland campus on Wednesday…

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Training for a respectful workplace

Training for a respectful workplace

Sometimes, we take feeling respected in our workplace for granted. Since starting at the Ranch, I’ve felt nothing short of a welcomed, valued member of the team. So I was both surprised and not surprised to learn that I’d be required to take respectful workplace training as part of my employment here. Everyone already treats everyone so well – but maybe that’s because we’ve all taken the…

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In the making

In the making

Chad Beloin stands in MacKay House. He’s quiet while the memories of his time here wash over him. The house has been updated, the walls are different colours, but having spent half his childhood here, Ranch Ehrlo is still home base for him. “If it weren’t for the staff at Ranch Ehrlo, if it weren’t for the staff at MacKay house, honestly – I don’t know where I’d be, but I don’t…

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