What's New

A race of self discovery

A race of self discovery

“Life is a journey, not a destination” – Ralph Waldo Emerson The same sentiment holds true for the goals we set for ourselves; the things we work toward and those things that we yearn to become. Ranch Ehrlo underlines the importance of self-discovery, self-improvement, and self-confidence and has honoured those values year in and year out with a very special event. The 3-Mile Race…

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Mental health checkup

Mental health checkup

Guest blog by Natashia Shoenroth, director of Ehrlo Counselling. In observance of Mental Health Week (May 5-11) Ehrlo Counselling is encouraging people to talk about issues relating to mental health. The more that we speak up and share with others, the more we can do to break the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Set the stage; you’re sitting in a waiting room waiting to talk with…

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Stats, stats, stats

Stats, stats, stats

Most people get their information from the Internet – whether they’re browsing breaking news, searching Google, or satisfying their curiosity by clicking links on social media. We’ve become a society that’s hugely dependent on getting our hands on as much information as possible, in the easiest and most convenient way. Because of this, Ranch Ehrlo Society has built a website that’s…

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End state

End state

During the time that a youth spends at Ranch Ehrlo Society, they and the staff work diligently toward the ultimate goal of reunification. The hope is to reunify the youth with their family or healthy support person in their home community; however this is not always possible. Some youth are discharged from our programs at an age where independent living and/or relocation is in the best interest…

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A peak into a youth's daily routine

A peak into a youth's daily routine

The majority of residents who come to Ranch Ehrlo Society begin living in an intake unit located on one of our three campuses at Corman Park, Buckland, or Pilot Butte. During this stabilization and assessment period, youth become familiar with the routines and rules of the Ranch; they meet their staff and get to know the other nine youth living in the home. This living environment is…

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What's in a title?

What's in a title?

Here at the Ranch, there are dozens of job available at any given time. We employ people from various backgrounds, factoring in their previous experience, training, and formal education. The frontline workers are those who make up the bulk of our staff. Some of the most well-known positions are Youth Care Workers (YCW), Youth Care Leaders (YCL), Personal Support Workers (PSW), and Clinical Support…

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Being a foster parent

Being a foster parent

Guest blog by Treatment Foster Care parent Kayely Rich. Being a parent is the most important job you’ll ever have; it isn’t over at 2 a.m. when exhaustion hits; it doesn’t let up when you’re sick with the flu; and it demands even more when you think you have nothing left to give. My husband and I decided to take on the challenge of becoming not only parents, but foster parents. We…

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24 years and going strong

24 years and going strong

“Beginning in late May and running through September, Saskatchewan’s golf courses become settings for some of (the) most incredible stories of giving in a province that is known for giving. I call it the feel-good part of the year because how can you not feel good when 144 golfers, or more, gather on a golf course because they believe enough in a charity to support it with money.” -…

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New Reunification group

New Reunification group

Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Family Treatment Program provides caregivers the opportunity to learn new skills and strategies to reunite their families and keep them together through the reunification process. “Reunification is an exciting and challenging time for families,” explained Jill Kusisto, Family Reunification Therapist and group facilitator. “This group will help parents feel more…

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Education infographic

Education infographic

Trudy Bosch Most youth coming to Ranch Ehrlo have had little success in school. Frustration and failure have often led to anger or withdrawal. As a result, they are no longer interested in learning. To meet this challenge, we offer specialized education which stabilizes youth’s behaviour and builds academic skills. Take a look at our chalk board below.

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A Ranch champion has passed

A Ranch champion has passed

Alex Guy presenting at awards night A senate chair sits empty as an advocate and champion of Ranch Ehrlo Society has been lost. Dr. Alex Guy recently passed away. Dr. Guy left a lasting impression at Ranch Ehrlo Society, witnessing and being a part of the agency’s rich history. "His exceptional contributions to the Ranch are deeply appreciated and he will be greatly missed,"…

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Time to learn and grow

Time to learn and grow

After nearly reaching her breaking point, Eva* surrendered custody of her son to the Ministry; she was doing the best she could with what she had but it wasn’t enough to care for her young child. “I had lost my mind,” she explained. “I couldn’t function, I couldn’t cope, and I didn’t have the skills I needed to deal with his behaviours. I didn’t want him to feel like I was…

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Supporting the community

Supporting the community

Avant-Garde shaving heads Ranch Ehrlo Society knows how important the lives of children and youth are, and recently did its part to help save babies’ lives. The Ehrlo Early Learning Centre (EELC) and Avant-Garde College recently held fundraisers for the Z99 Radioathon in support of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). “It’s a cause that hit close to home,” said Karin Duff,…

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Culture in youth development

Culture in youth development

Canadian culture is more than hockey, maple syrup, toonies, and phrases like ‘eh’. We’re a country with a cultural mosaic—a mix of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures that coexist. In the 2001 Census, Canadians listed more than 200 ethnic groups in answering the question on ethnic ancestry. Ranch Ehrlo Society acknowledges and honours cultural diversity among its staff and…

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New Family Treatment Program video

New Family Treatment Program video

Ranch Ehrlo’s Family Treatment Program (FTP) has experienced great success and expansion since its inception in 2006. With increasing demand and a growing waitlist, families are participating in the program with hopes to reunify their families or keep them together. The FTP is the only program of its kind in North America, working to improve family safety, family functioning, and child…

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