What's New

Ranch Ehrlo staff better equipped to help clients

Ranch Ehrlo staff better equipped to help clients

Ranch Ehrlo staff will be better equipped to help clients through change with recent training and certification. A number of case workers, therapists and counsellors participated in a three-day Empowering Change advanced workshop from June 24-26 in efforts to enhance their skills and abilities when working with youth and families in transition. The Level 2, Beyond Basics workshop educated…

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How Ranch Ehrlo's Schaller School works

Guest blogger Bruce Thompson How Schaller School works Usually each teacher has about eight kids in their classroom. SchallerSchool is more of a stabilization school.  Our goal is to help them stabilize themselves so they can move on to the next stage – in-town school placement.  There is a lot of transition at SchallerSchool - when kids first arrive, we assess their standing in all…

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Best wishes to Cheryl

Best wishes to Cheryl

Cheryl Gosselin, the manager of secretarial services, has announced her decision to retire on July 1, 2013. After 28 years of loyal service, Cheryl’s contributions and commitment to the Ranch Ehrlo Society have been enormous.  Her sense of humour, helpful nature, thoughtful and insightful ways will be missed. Cheryl has set a high standard at the agency to be followed in the future. She…

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New Mitchell House

New Mitchell House

There are lots of changes happening at Mitchell House on the Ranch Ehrlo Society Pilot Butte campus. The program will be relocating  to a brand new 10-bedroom residence built to replace the old Mitchell House which was the original house located at the Pilot Butte campus. The house suffered fire damage in 1989 but was repaired and reopened. Youth from Jewison House will be the first guests…

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Ranch Ehrlo strives to be a part of the school community

Guest blogger Cindy Freeman Being a part of the school community At Rosemont, we strive to be a part of our and school and help create a sense of community and belonging.  We do this by making sure that we get involved in everything that is going on at Rosemont School.  For example, there are “integration days” at Rosemont School, where all the students go from classroom to…

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Becoming a teacher at Ranch Ehrlo

Guest blogger Cindy Freeman My background I am a mother of three and a wife and I have worked for Ranch Ehrlo for eight years now.  I started my career straight out of university at the Ranch and have been here since.  I received my Bachelor of Education from the University of Regina.  I also have a Learning Resource teacher designation, which is an extra six courses, offered by the…

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Meet the VPs

Many of you probably already know who the vice presidents and CEO are at the Ranch Ehrlo Society. But for those of you that don’t know them, I thought what better way to meet then in sketch form. So here goes (fingers crossed that I don’t get fired for my bad drawings):

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The Consistently Consistent Cookbook launches In Pilot Butte

The Consistently Consistent Cookbook launches In Pilot Butte

Delicious smells and tastes marked the launch of the Ranch Ehrlo housemother’s book The Consistently Consistent Cookbook on Friday, May 17th. House mothers gathered at Schaller School to handout samples of their tried and true recipes and signed copies of their brand new cookbook. Housemothers have been a significant part of Ranch Ehrlo from the beginning. Their role includes being a…

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Different levels of "success" at Ranch Ehrlo

Guest blogger Bruce Thompson Trying times on the job There are trying times in my job as a teacher at Ranch Ehrlo.  During my first two years teaching at Schaller School, there was one girl I taught who I really worried about.  When she left, I did not know what was going to happen to her; I thought she may not live very long because of her lifestyle.  She used to phone me to let him…

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CHAZ Court breaks ground

CHAZ Court breaks ground

Ranch Ehrlo Society with the Government of Canada, the Province of Saskatchewan, and the City of Regina, broke ground on May 13, 2013 with a new housing development targeted towards youth in transition.  The project will consist of eight ‘pocket style’ apartment bachelor units located at 1747 Montreal Street in the Heritage neighbourhood of Regina. The units will be called CHAZ Court after…

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How Ranch Ehrlo integrates students into mainstream classes

Guest blogger Cindy Freeman Integrating Ranch students into the mainstream The process of a student integrating from an in-town Ranch classroom to a mainstream public school class is different for each Ranch student.  Most importantly, students have to show interest in integrating into the mainstream - that they want to be with other peers in a regular classroom of their grade level -…

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Another side of Ranch Ehrlo

Another side of Ranch Ehrlo

Dallas Verity was interested in a job at Ranch Ehrlo Society. He was going to school to work with at-risk youth and he had plenty of friends working in the agency in group homes helping youth. In January 2012, he applied to fill a casual position and discovered another side to Ranch Ehrlo’s programs and clients. “I sat down in the interview with Tim South and found out the program they…

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Involving youth is the key to Ranch Ehrlo's education programming

Guest blogger Kirsten Endicott We strive to meet individual needs at Ranch Ehrlo Ranch Ehrlo’s educational programming strives to provide our young people with the least restrictive and most productive educational settings possible considering their diverse needs.  Evidence to support these ideas throughout the school experience includes recess and lunch breaks, Christmas Variety Shows,…

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WINGS program takes off at Ranch Ehrlo

WINGS program takes off at Ranch Ehrlo

Monique Boyko and Jana Mantai, both long-term employees of Ranch Ehrlo Society, work together at one of the agency’s newest programs called WINGS: Working towards Independence and Nourishing Growing Skills. This program is designed specifically for our long-term female clients and helps them develop skills and gain work experience to achieve independence. The program recognizes that the skills…

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Open House

Open House

We would like to invite our neighbours and their family members to come and visit the Pilot Butte campus of Ranch Ehrlo Society and enjoy a barbecue supper. We will have an optional 15 minute tour of the property to show our neighbours the facilities and the programming available to our Ranch Ehrlo youth. Date: May 16, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m.  3 mile race begins (walk or run)…

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