What's New

Ranch Ehrlo’s first annual youth activity fair surpasses all expectations

Ranch Ehrlo’s first annual youth activity fair surpasses all expectations

On September 26, 2012 Ranch Ehrlo Society (Prince Albert) hosted its first annual youth activity fair at the Prince Albert Exhibition Association. Over 900 students were bused to the event that featured 35 local organizations presenting a wide array of activities. The activity fair served to educate youth on activities available in the City of Prince Albert with the ultimate goal of signing them…

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Volunteer role model

Volunteer role model

Kudos to Ehrlo Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) head coach Marty Rothermel who received an award for being a role model for young people to stay physically active at the North Central Community Volunteer Awards on September 20, 2012. The OHL provides recreational opportunities for children who miss out on sporting opportunities due to poverty or other barriers that limit access to organized…

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Back-to-school barbecue

Back-to-school barbecue

A back to school barbecue was held in September in Corman Park.  About 60 kids and adults from both Corman Park and Buckland celebrated the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year! The day consisted of some interactive activities such as the egg relay race, football, soccer, and the ever popular interactive bouncers provided by Apollo Jump.  The three bouncers consisted of a…

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Education at Ranch Ehrlo

Education at Ranch Ehrlo

Most youth coming to the Ranch have had little success in school. Frustration and failure have often led to anger or withdrawal. As a result, they are no longer interested in learning and may have fallen behind in school. To meet this challenge, we offer specialized education, accredited by the Independent Schools Branch of the government, which stabilizes youth’s behavior and builds academic…

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Back from family camp

Back from family camp

I wanted to write a blog about the May House family camp this year so others can hear about the success from the trip. Camp took place from Aug 27 until 28, 2012 at Camp Okema on Emma Lake. May House had over 30 people attend the camp and most of our youth (seven out of nine) had family present.  Some youth just had siblings attend others had mothers, fathers, aunts, and/or foster…

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A close up view of treatment at the Ranch

A close up view of treatment at the Ranch

Andrea MacKay has had a long and varied history with Ranch Ehrlo, beginning in 2004 when she began as a sports instructor with Sports Venture. She next moved in to the residential program, working as a youth care worker. She did a stint as a housemother and finally became a case worker at Woodward House in Regina where she has remained for the past four years. Case workers provide clinical…

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Ranch Ehrlo participates in FASD Awareness Day 2012

Ranch Ehrlo participates in FASD Awareness Day 2012

FASD Awareness Day:  “Pregnant Pause” Recently, Denise Swallow and Sarah Hammet, cognitive disability consultants with Ehrlo Counselling Services, participated in the “Pregnant Pause” as part of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day on September 10, 2012 at the University of Regina.  This event was organized by the FASD Network. Thirteen members celebrated FASD…

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Kruzeniski House adopts 45 community youth for its back to school program

Kruzeniski House adopts 45 community youth for its back to school program

Ranch Ehrlo Society’s mandate includes advocacy for youth, families, and communities. It strives to be a positive upstanding member of its community by getting involved and being of service to those in need. To this end, Kruzeniski House youth and staff epitomize Ranch Ehrlo’s values. They have been very busy this fall. Immediately upon returning from their last summer camping trip,…

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Food at Rever

Our housemom, Cindy purchases food for the house. She plans and buys food for breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks. Breakfast during the week is cereal, muffins and other food served individually as youth wander into the kitchen. On weekends the menu might include pancakes, french toast or other scrumptious breakfast food and is served at 10 a.m. so youth have a chance to sleep in. Lunch and…

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Working at the Ranch: A clinical support leader's view

Working at the Ranch: A clinical support leader's view

Mary Jane has worked at the Ranch Ehrlo Society for 21 years in a variety of positions.  Sixteen years of her career have been dedicated to the supported independent living program (SILP). Mary Jane (MJ) started out her Ranch career as a housemother at MacKay house for five years. She also did some childcare worker shifts and acting youth care leader shifts during her early career at the…

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Summer student

Summer student

By guest blogger Larissa Wahpooseyan (History project assistant)   My term as a summer student is now coming to an end. I was hired to help sort through old photos, videos, and files and create an archive on the Ranch’s history. I enjoyed learning the ways of an archivist and now that I have these skills, I can use them for future references. My favorite part of this job was going through the…

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A great sense of humor

Life can be hard. It’s filled with a lot of ups and downs and sometimes those downs seem to go on forever. I’m sure you have heard those sayings – laughter is the best medicine, a sense of humor makes life worth living, don’t take life too seriously as you will never get out alive.  And maybe there is some truth to them. Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are…

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Intake home vs in-town home

When youth first come to Ranch Ehrlo they go through an intake process which helps to stabilize, and assess the youth. The majority of the residents coming to the Ranch Ehrlo Society begin here at Pilot Butte. I work in one of the intake homes, Rever House. Here is how it differs from the group homes in the cities. At an in-take home, every 15 min is scheduled. It’s a smooth routine. It’s…

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The 2012 Ehrlo Monday Night Football League kicked off August 27th

The 2012 Ehrlo Monday Night Football League kicked off August 27th

Thank you to the Riders, Regina Thunder and volunteers for making the kick off a success! For full details on the league, click here.

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My angle on angling

My angle on angling

Fishing is appreciation of the outdoors and all that Mother Nature offers. And while it affects each of us differently; you can’t overlook the calming effect if holds. Maybe that’s one of the reasons our staff and youth enjoy their summer camping trip so much.

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