What's New

Grand opening of Jordan House

Grand opening of Jordan House

The newest 10 bed residential group home opened on the Pilot Butte campus on May 17, 2012 to a large crowd. The new home was named Jordan house after past board chair, Deb Jordan. Deb served as the board chair from 2009 to 2011. Since the Ranch first opened 46 years ago, Ranch founder the late Dr. Geoff Pawson had established the tradition of naming facilities after people who have played a…

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Ranch chosen as one of Saskatchewan’s top employers for 2012

Ranch chosen as one of Saskatchewan’s top employers for 2012

We might have always known it but the cat is officially out of the bag – the Ranch is a great place to work. Ranch Ehrlo has been chosen as one of Saskatchewan’s top employers for 2012. This year's winners will be announced on February 1, 2012 in special supplements published by the Regina Leader-Post and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, as well as online at Eluta.ca   Many people look to make a…

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Meet Tera: House Mother extraordinaire

Meet Tera: House Mother extraordinaire

Tera has a unique position of working at all three of the Ranch’s campus and in a variety of positions. Here is her story. After completing a BA with a major in psychology from the University of Regina, Tera started working at Ranch Ehrlo in 2002. During her career she worked as a casual Youth Care Worker (YCW) at various units in Pilot Butte and Regina and as a Youth Care Leader (YCL) in the…

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Corman Park, check

Corman Park, check

Well, I did it. I accomplished my New Year’s resolution and visited Corman Park. And I wasn’t disappointed, it was a great campus. Thanks for the tour by Shawn Ly, principal of the Ellen Gunn education Centre located on the campus. Corman Park is located just 10 kms outside of Saskatoon, almost in shouting distance of Martinsville. The 80 acre campus is the Ranch’s newest and…

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Part 1-Why Ranch Ehrlo is a top employer: Community Involvement

Part 1-Why Ranch Ehrlo is a top employer: Community Involvement

Guest blogger Jane Powell Showchuk   Part One    Community involvement: another reason why Ranch Ehrlo Society is one of Saskatchewan’s top employers for 2012   As I was working on the nomination of Ranch Ehrlo Society as a Top Employer in 2011, I asked for employees to submit information about their community involvement both at the agency level and the group home level. The…

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Not another golf tournament

Not another golf tournament

Might as well mark your calendar, the Ehrlo Golf Classic falls every year on the first Monday in June. It has been a staple in the Regina community for over 20 years, raising money for Ranch Ehrlo Society and more recently for Ehrlo Sport Venture. It seems there are a lot of non-profit organizations using golf tournaments to raise much needed funds. As each tries to find a new format to set it…

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Ranch Ehrlo employee nominated for Women of Distinction Award

Ranch Ehrlo employee nominated for Women of Distinction Award

Ranch Ehrlo Society was named one of Saskatchewan’s top employers for 2012. It is a testament to the fact that the agency boasts remarkable employees and innovative programs and services. Ehrlo Counselling Services, one of these services, is comprised of highly educated and extremely compassionate individuals, who together make an unparalleled team delivering top-notch counselling and community…

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Grand opening of Jordan House

Grand opening of Jordan House

Join us for the Grand Opening of Jordan House. The newest residential treatment home named after past chair, Deb Jordan. Deb served as Ranch Ehrlo Society board chair from 2009 to 2011. May 17, 2012 - 3 p.m.  Pilot Butte Campus We encourage you to stay and participate in our annual 3 mile race which will be followed by a BBQ. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Cheryl at…

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Keeping front line staff: part three

Keeping front line staff: part three

Guest blogger Dr. Karl Mack, Senior director of programs for residents with developmental disabilities In addition to the work that has been completed by staff in creating a model for relationship development, there are other important things for new staff to consider, such as projective indentification.  Projective identification is a complex process that involves our deeply rooted…

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Tribute to the late Dr. Geoffrey Pawson

Tribute to the late Dr. Geoffrey Pawson

On Sunday, April 08, 2012 CTV's Indigenous Circle featured a tribute to the late Dr. Geoff Pawson. To view the video, click on the image below. Feel free to share this video on social media.

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Keeping front line staff : part two

Guest blogger Dr. Karl Mack, Senior director of programs for residents with developmental disabilities The work contained in this blog is related to the thoughts and experience of senior frontline staff who work with residents who have developmental/intellectual differing abilities. The group consisted of program managers, clinical support leaders, youth care leaders, and personal support…

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Keeping front line staff: part one

Guest blogger Dr. Karl Mack, Senior director of programs for residents with developmental disabilities This blog is a collection of thoughts based on my experience and perceptions. It also includes valuable insight from various other groups who have taken the time to contribute their perceptions about working with residents with developmental disabilities and to why turnover rates are so high…

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Where is Yemen?

Where is Yemen?

It’s been a while since I was a student. Things have changed in the classrooms and there is probably more information for youth these days to absorb and learn. One of my favorite subjects when I was in school, as I have mentioned before, was history. I loved learning what happen through the ages in far off places. It was as good as any movie for me. And even though I loved learning what…

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Teams recognized for outstanding service

Teams recognized for outstanding service

Ranch Ehrlo’s innovative Family Treatment Program (FTP) and Intensive Family Preservation Program (IFPS) were awarded a Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) ) Children’s Services Award on March 22, 2012 in Ottawa. The award recognizes staff teams that demonstrate exceptional and measureable commitment, creativity, and dedication in their direct work with children, youth and/or…

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Why Ranch Ehrlo is one of Saskatchewan’s top employers

Why Ranch Ehrlo is one of Saskatchewan’s top employers

The Ranch Ehrlo Society named as one of Saskatchewan's top employers Recently, Ranch Ehrlo Society was named as one of Saskatchewan's top employers for 2012. Wondering what exactly this meant and how we might have obtained this prestigious award, I took it upon myself to do some reconnaissance work. I found out that employers are evaluated by the editors of Canada's Top 100…

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