What's New

Powwow club celebrates 20th anniversary

Powwow club celebrates 20th anniversary

The Ranch Ehrlo Powwow club has been running for every week during the school year for the past 20 years.  It is one of the longest most successful running clubs the Ranch Ehrlo Society has to offer. Coordinators Hayley Maurer was one of the first Powwow Club coordinators and she helped establish and lay the foundation for its success. After Hayley’s 10 years as Powwow Club coordinator she…

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And then there was one…

Ranch Ehrlo Society, Ehrlo Community Services Inc., the Ranch, ECS, Ranch Ehrlo Community Services, RES, Community Services…we’ve seen it all!  After 15 years the public (and especially the media) is still not sure if we are one agency, two agencies, one agency with a subsidiary, or one agency that recently had a name change. Confusion about our respective identities was not the reason…

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What do I miss most about living in the Ranch?

What do I miss most about living in the Ranch?

Now… I would sell my soul to have three weeks away from civilization! I sometimes fantasize about possible ways to smuggle myself aboard the camping supplies of one of the group homes headed up north. My goodness! Has anyone seen how crazy the world is today? Trust me, a fly-in camp in the middle of nowhere sounds mighty good right now! No deadlines. No meetings. No worries. Just the sun,…

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My how times have changed!

My how times have changed!

Blog by former Ranch youth and employee Justin Waldrop Size My first experience with the Ranch Ehrlo Society was in 1988 when I arrived at the age of eight as a resident. There existed only the Pilot Butte Campus and a handful of group homes in Regina. I’d estimate that back then, there were about 100 youth, 200 staff, and there were maybe ten group homes, maximum. Fast forward to…

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Big blog hunting

Big blog hunting

When we announced to senior staff that we wanted to start a blog to write about the happenings at Ranch Ehrlo we got a lot of responses.  “What the h#%% is a blog?”  “I shot one of those on my last hunting trip in New Zealand. It was feisty” “I’m not sure the realm of social media is a venue to display the complex, intricate details of the psycho-social inner aspects of…

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