What's New

Program manager life

Program manager life

This is the third in a series of stories about a day in the life of staff at Ranch Ehrlo. Life is very busy but rewarding for Sarah Ovens, program manager at Frank May House at the Corman Park campus just outside of Saskatoon. “I love my job. I’m excited to come to work every day,” she said. When she arrives at the house in the morning, she talks with the night staff and…

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Ranch Ehlo Society is seeking to obtain two important milestones this year. The CARE certification is scheduled for June, and the Council on Accreditation (COA) accreditation for the end of November. What is the difference between the two? According to Karl Mack, director of child and youth development and the CARE lead at the agency, “COA is a set of best practice standards that have…

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Expressive and functional art

Expressive and functional art

Participants at Paper Crane have been hard at work using a new medium that is both artistic and functional. Paper Crane is an expressive arts service at Ranch Ehrlo that helps participants to express their thoughts and feelings and promotes their personal growth and healing. Participants use different tools and techniques so that everyone can create, regardless of what their artistic abilities…

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It's all about the people

It's all about the people

This is the second in a series of stories about a day in the life of a staff member at Ranch Ehrlo Society. Kevin Mugford, former group living director, was responsible for the Buckland campus including its three homes, as well as the home in Prince Albert until his retirement at the end of December. When he started working at the Ranch in 2011, he planned to retire after a few years. “I…

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Prep for success

Prep for success

This is a story about a day in the life of a Buckland house parent. It is also the first in a series of stories about the day in the life of staff in various positions and locations at Ranch Ehrlo Society.  Andrew Brown is the housefather for Alex Guy House on Ranch Ehrlo’s Buckland campus outside of Prince Albert.   Andrew works Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and…

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2022 in review

2022 in review

Happy New Year! It’s been a busy year at the Ranch. We have continued to implement CARE across the agency in preparation for certification in 2023. We have also started the Council on Accreditation preparation for our next accreditation submission. Here are some other things that happened in 2022: Top employer! For the 11th consecutive year, Ranch Ehrlo Society has been named one of…

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Holiday donations for families

Holiday donations for families

The holidays can be a difficult time for some families. Many of the families in Ranch Ehrlo’s family programs struggle with poverty, which can lead to disappointment and unmet hopes for children and stress and struggles for parents during the holiday season. “Poverty leads to challenges in having gifts or food during the holiday season,” explained family program director…

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Art from the Heart 2023

Art from the Heart 2023

There were plenty of smiles in the Liske gymnasium at the Schaller Education Centre in Pilot Butte as everyone gathered for the Art from the Heart exhibition. It was a formal reception that was catered by the Schaller Education Centre’s cooking shop class. Participants from around Saskatchewan created beautiful artwork for the event. There were 16 pieces chosen to be featured in the…

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Pawson Place grand opening

Pawson Place grand opening

On Thursday youth and staff at Buckland campus, outside of Prince Albert, gathered to officially open Pawson Place. Clinical, group living, and education staff joined youth to cut the ribbon. Pawson Place is a new gazebo area on the campus that was created as a place to relax and enjoy each others’ company. The gazebo has signage, lighting, and portable speakers for music, as well as…

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Breaking out of comfort zones

Breaking out of comfort zones

Thanks to the Community Lottery Tickets program at Globe Theatre a participant in our Supportive Living Program (SLP) had the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and into the arts. Ranch Ehrlo Society supports persons with differing abilities by providing group living, educational, and vocational programs to people with multiple, complex developmental needs in our SLP programs. Care…

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Cookie campaign for Sport Venture

Cookie campaign for Sport Venture

This holiday season is going to get a little bit sweeter. Ehrlo Sport Venture was chosen to be the charity of choice for the Tim Hortons Holiday Smile Cookie campaign. During the week of December 5th to 11th proceeds of the cookie sales sold in Regina, Balgonie, Indian Head, and Emerald Park will go to Sport Venture to help fund our five free recreational leagues for youth (football, soccer,…

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Why work at the Ranch?

Why work at the Ranch?

You can build a career at the Ranch while helping others! Ranch Ehrlo supports its staff in building long-term careers and provides plenty of training and support to reach their goals. We also offer competitive wages and benefits. Many people have worked at Ranch Ehrlo for 25 years or more. We wanted to know why so many people have spent decades at the agency, so we reached out to a few to…

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Gang prevention and the Ranch

Gang prevention and the Ranch

Gangs are a reality in our province, and unfortunately, they sometimes involve Ranch participants. Ranch Ehrlo Society teamed up with the Ministry of Social Services (MSS) and the Regina Police Service (RPS) to provide training to Ranch staff on how to recognize gang involvement and how to help youth avoid recruitment. Gangs are able to recruit vulnerable youth because gangs offer a sense of…

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Improvement initiative

Improvement initiative

Ranch Ehrlo is one of ten organizations chosen by the Ministry of Social Services’ Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD) to participate in a pilot project to improve the services to people with differing abilities. The Ranch is excited to be one of the first organizations selected to participate in this initiative. For many of our participants, the Ranch is their home, and we want to…

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Showing up when it counts

Showing up when it counts

A Ranch Ehrlo youth was about to play her last volleyball game at her elementary school and had the opportunity to do so in front of a packed crowd. Randee Patton, her Ranch Ehrlo teacher wanted her to have lots of support for this momentous occasion. Randee said, “Knowing this was her last home game, and final game of the season, I emailed (Ranch) staff to ‘pack the…

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