What's New

Understand the First Nation worldview

Understand the First Nation worldview

Guest blogger Tim Poitras, Ranch Ehrlo cultural coordinator I have been helping aboriginal and non-aboriginal people understand the First Nation worldview and advocating healthy lifestyles since 1986, acting as an active member of Woptura Ti Ospaye in the role of Sundance Chief. I have Sundanced for eight years and have run the ceremony for 19 years. I have also fasted for 19 years. As an…

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Group home renovations complete

Group home renovations complete

Ranch Ehrlo’s financial stability has allowed the agency to invest in its future, continually fulfilling its long term capital plans. In 2010, group home renovations at our Pilot Butte campus was identified by staff as the agency’s top priorities. Now, three years later, Ranch Ehrlo has opened two brand new group homes (Jordan and Mitchell) and two fully-renovated group homes (Rorison and…

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Removing Barriers

Removing Barriers

In 2012, the Ehrlo Child & Family Foundation (ECFF) established the Dr. Geoffrey Pawson Legacy Fund to continue the efforts of Geoff Pawson, the founder and former CEO of Ranch Ehrlo Society. Under the banner of the Dr. Geoffrey Pawson Legacy Fund, ECFF continues the work Geoff loved to do by supporting initiatives that “fill the gaps” in programming and services to provide youth and…

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Answers to the questions you ask

Q and A session with Malcolm the vice-president of residential services and Marion the Ranch CEO. The pair took some time recently to answer some commonly asked questions about Ranch Ehrlo. Q: Are the children at Ranch Ehrlo sent to the Ranch with the parent’s consent? A: In Saskatchewan, child welfare is a provincial jurisdiction. The laws vary from province to province but the children that…

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Ehrlo Housing honoured at National Housing Day

Ehrlo Housing honoured at National Housing Day

Ranch Ehrlo Society has been recognized for its role in supporting individuals and families in need of affordable housing. Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Ehrlo Housing was one of five organizations recognized at the 2013 National Housing Day luncheon in Regina on Nov. 15. Other groups recognized included Habitat for Humanity, Silver Sage Housing Corp, Namerind, and Gabriel Housing Corp. Selected…

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New video

New video

Ranch Ehrlo Society has grown tenfold over the past number of years; increasing its staff and expanding its services. With hundreds of employees and dozens of residential and community services, it’s difficult to tell you what we do, so we’re going to show you. We’ll take you on a journey to our homes and schools; we’ll introduce you to our clinical and counselling teams; we’ll let…

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Finding Raylene

Finding Raylene

“To drag yourself from a deep, dark hole and to reach the top with a sense of relief and accomplishment is the best feeling in the world,” she said staring into the depths of past despair. “I don’t ever want to go back down that hole.”  This is Raylene Thompson’s story. As a single mom of four, two boys and two girls, Raylene lived life for her children. She attended school and…

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Why a plan?

Why a plan?

There is an old adage which states “if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably wind up someplace else”. A strategic plan is one tool that Ranch Ehrlo Society has used for decades to help make informed decisions about the future.  Some may say that the strategic planning process has been hijacked in recent years by consultants who are becoming rich in turning a simple…

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Caring for 260 children

Caring for 260 children

Ehrlo Early Learning Centre (EELC) cares for 260 children, providing a nurturing and loving environment as an extension of the family unit. For more than 10 years, Ranch Ehrlo has delivered quality childcare to the community; working together with families to achieve goals and foster growth in children. In 2001, Ranch staff Karin Duff developed a proposal to establish a daycare for the…

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Two minutes of time

Two minutes of time

Ranch Ehrlo honours Canada's war veterans. “I wake up in my bed and I lay there and think how damn lucky I am to have survived,” he said, his voice breaking with emotion. “I have my family, my friends, and a roof over my head. I have the world by its tail.” War veteran Mr. Denis Chisholm met with students at Ranch Ehrlo’s Schaller School on Nov. 7, to share personal memories from…

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Why do they stick around?

Ranch Ehrlo Society was crowned one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers in 2012 and 2013. The designation comes with bragging rights, but what does the honour really mean? Why is Ranch Ehrlo Society such a great agency to work for? Why do employees stick with the agency year over year, or decade upon decade? Is it the work-life balance, opportunities for further education and advancement, are…

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Hockey in the Himalayas

Hockey in the Himalayas

Sport Venture is participating in a joint effort with the True Travellers Society to collect and donate 50 bags of hockey equipment and 300 hockey sticks to youth in northern India. Ice hockey is gaining momentum in India, particularly in the northern parts of the country. Despite their love for the game, most rural children are unable to play due to a lack of skates and quality…

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EAT at Ranch Ehrlo (it's not what you think)

EAT at Ranch Ehrlo (it's not what you think)

Special guest blogger Amanda Snell Here at Ranch Ehrlo Society we believe in the health and healing of youth and families. At the Buckland campus (Prince Albert) sessions are available for youth and their families to participate in the Ranch Ehrlo Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) Program. Amanda instructing youth and the Her Excellency Sharon Johnston The ultimate goal of the EAT program is…

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A unique alternative employment  program

A unique alternative employment program

Ranch Ehrlo Society is celebrating 20 years of innovative and unique alternative education and employment programs. Ranch Ehrlo’s Community Vocational Education Program (CVEP) first began in 1993 as the Ranch Ehrlo Supportive Education Program (RESEP). The inventive program was designed to deliver employment training and education services to people with developmental disabilities. The…

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Let the lending begin

Let the lending begin

When you think library you might think of rows and rows of books, a librarian with a bun, and of course that age old rule of ‘shhh’. Sport Venture Library is not quite like that. Located in the heart of north central Regina, the library provides sports equipment free-of-charge to groups and individuals in the inner-city. Over 100 groups currently access the equipment from the library. All…

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